We are committed to delivering a transformative Careers Programme so that all pupils at St Bede’s reach their full potential and grow in knowledge, skills and character.
We strive to work with pupils and their families so that they are viewed as sought after candidates by higher education and the employees of choice by local businesses and national organisations. The careers provision is designed to prepare pupils for the workplace and further education. Right from the beginning, pupils in year 7 are supported in making future-focused decisions about their next step and this continues throughout their time at St Bede’s. CEIAG plays a central role in our Personal Development curriculum and is further supported through the enrichment provision involving assemblies, drop-down days, guest speakers, HE and employee interactions and one to one careers advice. CEIAG is also evident in the whole school curriculum, PSHE & RSHE lessons, the retreat programme and prayer and worship routines. We are committed to delivering a full Careers Programme that fully meets the criteria within the Gatsby Benchmarks so that all our pupils experience CEIAG that is inclusive and able to meet the needs of all pupils.
Click HERE to view the CEIAG Provision Map
CEIAG is also covered across the curriculum with events such as college/university workshops in RE and Modern languages. (CIEAG at St Bede’s) Our students in Y11 and those in Y9 who require it receive a one to one discussion with Mark Blagbrough. (Careers Advisor L6 qualified) They will be offered high quality impartial information, advice and guidance on post 16 pathways and choices as well as assistance with applications, CV writing and options for those in Y9. All career guidance one to ones and other activities are logged onto Compass Plus for each individual student.
Students have access to a wide variety of career-based literature in the LRC, which is kept up to date by our library assistant Tina Cain. Prospectuses from all of the local colleges, and training providers are available to students to view or to take away, alongside an array of vocational information detailing routes through apprenticeships and traineeships. We also have a range of prospectuses from universities across the country.
Throughout the Autumn term Y10 and 11 have the opportunity to visit the post 16 providers lunch time drop-in sessions (max 3 providers at a time) where they can ask questions and take away any relevant information to help them make decisions about their life beyond St Bede’s. Y11 also spend a week on work experience. This is a self-placement approach which works well for such young people.
The students are introduced to Kudos (the leading career development service) in Y8 and will revisit in Y9 (options) and Y11 (transition).
St Bede’s Catholic High School is committed to providing the highest quality Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance for all students in Years 7-11. We will continue to encourage and support our students to access personal development programmes and post-16 summer programmes such as the National Citizen Scheme and The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme. There will be a wide range of careers opportunities, events, assemblies, drop-ins etc. for all students throughout the academic year. Our careers programme is constantly evolving. Students, parents and employer evaluations happen frequently and feed in to the CEIAG evaluations.
We will seek to ensure that the provision we provide is bespoke to each student’s individual need whether that be age, ability or educational, and that it is underpinned by equality and opportunity.
- To provide and embed a stable Careers Programme.
- To provide good quality information about jobs and careers paths in line with current labour market information.
- To address the needs of each student and offer a bespoke careers programme which embeds equality and diversity.
- To link curriculum learning to careers with particular emphasis on STEM subjects.
- To provide each student with multiple opportunities, throughout their school life, to encounter employers and learn about work, employment and skills valued in the workplace.
- To offer each student experiences of workplaces to help their exploration of careers opportunities and expand their networks.
- To provide students with meaningful encounters with representatives from Further and Higher Education establishments and understand the full range of learning opportunities available to them.
- To offer personal guidance and impartial advice, usually in the form of a one-to-one interview with a careers adviser.
A provider wishing to request access should contact Mrs Lisa Turpin– CEAIG Coordinator on 01695 570335 or l.turpin@sbchs.co.uk
Several events, integrated into our careers provision, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to students and/or their parents/carers:
| Term 1 | Term 2 | Term 3 |
Year 7 |
| Personal Development Lessons Monday
Year 8 |
| Alumni Hot Seating Event | Personal Development Lessons Monday
Year 9 |
| Careers fair Guidance evening for parents and carers Personal Development Lessons Monday |
Year 10 | Personal Development Lessons Monday | Business & Enterprise Week Mock Business Interviews
| College taster sessions |
Year 11 | Personal Development Lessons Monday Apprenticeships & technical Lunch time local College and training Careers guidance evening for parents | Lunch time local College and training
Click on the link HERE and then you have 3 cards appear. You can type in a job and then compare the details of all three on the screen
CEIAG Co Ordinator Mrs Lisa Turpin 01695 570335 or l.turpin@sbchs.co.uk