Relationships, Health and Sex Education at St Bede’s
At St Bede’s Catholic High School Relationships and Sex Education is part of a whole school approach to Personal Development and is rooted in the values and teachings of the Catholic Church. Relationships and Sex Education is delivered through a cross-curricular programme that has carefully been planned to ensure learning is age appropriate and balanced.
The RSHE curriculum strives to complement the role of parents and carers as their children develop into adulthood. RSHE involves the development of knowledge, understanding and skills which will enable our students to make well-informed decisions, have respect for themselves and others and be better prepared to form loving and lasting relationships. We place the dignity of the human person at the very core of planning and delivery to ensure that the subject to taught in an inclusive way that meets the needs of all pupils. Lessons are designed to be non-judgmental and we strive to create a open, positive environment where pupils feel they can share viewpoints and ask questions.
The RSHE provision at St Bede’s is underpinned by three learning pillars:
- Key knowledge so that pupils can make informed, healthy decisions.
- Strategies to recognise risk and unhealthy relationships and interactions.
- Strategies to keep me safe, happy and healthy.
These pillars inform planning of RSHE lessons, assemblies, retreat days and enrichment events.
The RSHE Curriculum
Please click HERE to view the RSHE Curriculum Map

- The majority of the RSHE is taught within the Personal Development curriculum. Pupils spend a half term developing knowledge and skills in line with statutory RSHE curriculum. The school uses Ten Ten resources to deliver the vast majority of RSHE curriculum.
- Science plays a key role in the teaching of statutory reproduction, sexual health and medicine and puberty. The Head of Science and Head of RE/ Associate Assistant Headteacher Personal Development and Ethos work together closely to ensure delivery of content is complimentary.
- The RE curriculum is personalised to meet the needs of our pupils by providing RSE weeks for these year groups. In Year 9 and 11, pupils learn about RSE across a full term as part of the Key Stage 3 and GCSE curricula.
- Form time prayer and reflection frequently covers healthy relationships and wellbeing topics related to RSHE alongside pastoral assemblies linking to these themes.
- RSHE enrichment days take place in years 8 and 10. These days allow us to cover responsive content that is complementary to the needs of students at the school and the local community.
- The St Bede’s Retreat Programme compliments the RSHE curriculum through the development of character and virtues that we believe will give our students the necessary skills to form healthy relationships whilst also strengthening pupils’ relationship with God so that they are able to make the right choices now and in the future.
Parents and Carers
- The school understands that parents play a foundational role in the development of their child’s understanding about relationships and health education.
- At the points of delivery parents will be informed of the content of the curriculum within five working days of the first lesson via email. The school Wellbeing and Ethos newsletter also highlights all RSHE content termly.
- Parents are given access to the Ten Ten parent portal so that they can view the resources that we use and seek further support and information about discussing RSHE topics at home. This is emailed out to parents at the beginning of the school year. Please contact the school if you need support using this platform.
- If parents and carers have any questions or would like to discuss the RSHE curriculum further, they may submit these via email to, or contact the school office to arrange a meeting with the Headteacher on 01695 570 335.
Useful Websites
Take a look at the resources we use to deliver RSHE lessons. Parents can use the log in that is shared via Synergy to access the parent portal:
Parents and carers may feel anxious or worry about their child’s safety online and offline. We have advice to help you understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships and tips on what you can do to support your child.
It’s against the law for anyone to share a sexual image or video of someone who’s under 18, Childline are working with the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and Yoti to help you remove any sexual image or video of you that’s online.
Report Remove is safe, easy and free – all you need to do is click the link and follow the steps: