Student leadership
Student leadership is a vital part of the Personal Development provision at St Bede’s as we strive to provide a transformative Catholic education. We have recently developed the Student Leadership Programme that aims to give students the opportunity to gain leadership skills and engage with the school and the wider community. In most cases, an application process and/or a pupil vote is required. We believe this promotes Catholic Social Teaching and exposes our pupils to important democratic processes. Being a student leader at St Bede’s means that students are key to decision-making and have a responsibility to support and develop the ethos of the school. Students have a real opportunity to bring about change and be key drivers within the school community.
We are committed to growing student leadership opportunities as we know that pupils grow in character when given the opportunity to take the lead and serve the common good. Outside of the formal leadership roles there are many opportunities to lead on faith in action projects, participate in local and national competitions and represent the school.
The Student Leadership Programme provides students with the opportunity to take responsibility, promote inclusion and equality, voice opinions and give back to the school and local community through faith in action project work and volunteering.

Structure – Leading together

Bede’s Badge
The Bede’s Badge is awarded to students who have excelled inside and outside of school and is a way for us to celebrate excellence in Sports, The Arts, Faith and Community, Hobbies and Interests. Many students who achieve this prestigious badge have shown outstanding leadership and a commitment to enrichment. The Bede’s Badge is a beacon of aspiration in our school community and is an opportunity to celebrate the wonderful students in our school.