Mr D Morgan

Mr M Wilde

Mrs J Munro

Mr A Holt

Mrs Stacey-Swale

Miss P Jones
- Mr C Abi Aoun - Teacher of English & Media Studies
- Miss H Byrom - Teacher of Art & Design & Technologies
- Miss S Caldwell - Teacher of Mathematics
- Mr S Caygill - Curriculum Leader of Science
- Mrs S Collins - Teacher of English
- Mrs A Corness - Curriculum Leader of Art & Photography
- Mr J Cox - Teacher of Science
- Miss G Critchley - Teacher of Physical Education & Religious Education
- Mrs L Daulby - Teacher of History
- Mr M Doolan - Teacher of Mathematics
- Ms L Farrelly - Teacher of Science
- Mr R Gibson - Curriculum Leader of Design & Technology
- Mr C Gillon - Assistant Curriculum Leader of Mathematics
- Mrs A Glover - Teacher of Religious Education
- Miss G Gray - Teacher of Physical Education
- Mrs B Hancock - Assistant Curriculum Leader of Science
- Mr A Holt - Curriculum Leader of History
- Miss P Jones - Teacher of Science
- Mr M Keown - Curriculum Leader of English
- Miss Z Letki - Assistant Curriculum Leader of English
- Mr R Lloyd - Teacher of Physical Education
- Mr P Lockyer - Teacher of Science
- Mrs J Longson - Curriculum Leader of Physical Education
- Mis L McDowall - Curriculum Leader of Drama & Teacher of English
- Mr D McLoughlin - Teacher of Physical Education
- Mrs A McMurray - Curriculum Leader of Music
- Mrs L Molloy - Teacher of English
- Mr C Moore - Curriculum Leader of Computer Science
- Mr D Morgan - Teacher of Science
- Mrs L Oates - Teacher of English
- Mrs A Reynolds - Curriculum Leader of Geography
- Mrs E Scott - Curriculum Leader of Mathematics
- Mrs V Stacey-Swale - Curriculum Leader of Religious Education
- Mr I Swettenham - Teacher of Mathematics
- Mrs J Thompson - Teacher of Religious Education
- Mrs L Turpin - Teacher of Geography
- Mrs H Wainwright - Teacher of Design & Technologies
- Mr M Wilde - Teacher of Mathematics
- Mr S Wilks - Teacher of English
- Madame C Williams - Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages
- Frau D Williams - Curriculum Leader of Modern Foreign Languages
- Mrs M Baxendale - Catering Assistant
- Mr J Blundell - Assistant Site Supervisor
- Mrs J Brown - School Chaplin
- Mrs T Cain - Library Assistant
- Mrs H Cheston - Teaching Assistant
- Mrs C Corrigan - Science Technician
- Mrs A Crompton - Business Support Officer
- Mrs R Crompton - Assistant SENCo
- Mrs J Dickinson - Reprographics & Admin Assistant
- Miss J Donovan - Teaching Assistant
- Mr W Emmett - Premises Manager
- Mrs S Goodfellow - Finance Assistant
- Mrs C Haigh - Admissions & Exams Officer
- Mrs J Hayes - Teaching Assistant
- Miss S Hayes - Teaching Assistant
- Mr M Hefferan - IT Network Manager
- Mr M Hesketh - IT Technician
- Mrs P Holt - Teaching Assistant
- Mr W Johnson - Attendance & Admin Assistant
- Mr S Marston-Yim - Cover Supervisor
- Ms J Milnes - Assistant Cook
- Mr S Monaghan - Caretaker
- Mrs S Morris - Creative Arts Technician
- Mrs J Munro - School Business Manager
- Miss L Noon - Pastoral Manager
- Mrs E O'Rourke - Receptionist
- Ms A Parry - Teaching Assistant
- Mr M Perry - Assistant Cook
- Mrs R Rayburn - Teaching Assistant
- Mrs L Rooney - Science Technician
- Mrs E Rothwell - Catering Manager
- Mrs G Rowland-Hodge - Cover Manager
- Mrs J Sleight - Teaching Assistant
- Mrs L Swan - Cover Supervisor
- Miss J Taylor - Assistant Business Manager
- Mr M Turpin - Pastoral Support Assistant
- Miss S Waterhouse - Teaching Assistant
- Miss B Williams - Catering Assistant
- Mrs S Wilson - Teaching Assistant