At St Bede’s we strive to embed a rich culture of reading for pleasure, endeavouring that when students leave they continue to experience the joy that reading can bring. We have a well-stocked library which is a hive of activity every break and lunch time. Our librarian, Mrs Cain, is available to support students (and staff) choose the right books for them and nurture their passions for reading and literature. Our Reading and Literacy Instagram page (StBedesReads) also shares a monthly ‘Reading Round-Up’ of book suggestions for Key Stage 3 and 4.
Students have weekly ‘Form Time Reading’, in which they have the opportunity to read and discuss a variety of texts: fiction, non-fiction, prose and poetry. We also have fortnightly Library Lessons in English, giving students another opportunity to visit the library and engage with Accelerated Reader.
All students are tested using the NGRT or Bedrock reading age tests each year, and more regularly if required. Students with a reading age below their chronological age receive timetabled intervention lessons with our specialist Literacy Intervention teacher, Mrs Oates, and one to one reading intervention from our team of Teaching Assistants. Our intervention lessons develop phonics, reciprocal reading and use multi-sensory activities to reinforce learning to develop reading and writing skills.
We believe that all teachers are teachers of reading and literacy. We ensure that all teachers feel confident in teaching reading, writing and oracy and have whole school approaches to reading and vocabulary. We follow a whole school approach to teaching vocabulary, including the explicit teaching of tier 2 and 3 vocabulary and vocabulary homework across all curriculum areas. We also incorporate reciprocal reading strategies to both support and challenge our students when engaging with complex texts.
- Banned Books Week – October 1-7th 2023
- Non-Fiction November
- National Storytelling Week – January 30th-February 6th
- World Book Day – 7th March 2024
- National Poetry Day – March 21st
- National Shakespeare Day – April 23rd
- Pride in Literature – w/c 24th June 2023
At St Bede’s, the relationship between home and school is a key part of what makes our community thrive. Termly Literacy Newsletters can be found here, but more regular updates can be found on our social media below.
Vocabulary & Grammar
We are in the first stage of introducing Bedrock across all of the Key Stage 3. Bedrock Vocabulary and Grammar provides a personalised reading curriculum for all students, which incorporates Direct Instruction of tier 2 vocabulary and the teaching of grammar. This is an exciting and innovative reading platform that supports your child in developing their literacy and reading skills, whilst hopefully instilling a love of reading.
Bedrock responds to each students’ individual progress, providing intervention for our less confident readers and stretching and challenging our more able readers.
Students will need to complete at least 1 Vocabulary lesson and 1 Grammar lesson per week, aiming to achieve 20 points each week.
The English department are introducing Bedrock Mapper as a homework tool to improve tier 3 vocabulary. This will be set by their class teacher.
Bedrock can be accessed using a computer, tablet or smartphone at
There is a Bedrock Club every Tuesday from 3.20pm-4pm in IT2 for any students who want extra help using it.