St Bede’s Art Department offers an exciting and inspiring curriculum where all pupils are able to express themselves using creative techniques.
Throughout Key Stages 3 and 4, there is a variety of theme-based projects and a wide range of media and materials including drawing, painting, ceramics, textile design, photography and 3-dimensional design. As a department we strongly believe that every child is an artist and actively encourage all pupils to strive for excellence and build up their artistic skills over time. Our aim is to provide all pupils with a rich and varied experience which both engages and challenges.
In Year 7, pupils follow three schemes of work which introduce them to the basic elements of drawing, helping to develop confidence and individuality. Pupils are introduced to the drawing elements – line, tone, texture, shape, pattern, colour and form by using a variety of techniques and processes.
In Year 8, pupils build on the skills acquired in Year 7. Throughout the year pupils’ knowledge of Art gradually increases in complexity as they experiment with new media and materials. Pupils investigate the work of artists, designers and craftspeople and experiment with new ways of working in their individual sketchbooks.
In Year 9, pupils further develop their skills as artists. They are given a greater freedom to choose techniques and materials for their work making it more personal to them. Pupils develop a greater understanding of research and sequencing in Art which becomes more important if they opt for Art at GCSE.
The GCSE Art course follows the AQA specification in which pupils complete two units of work over Years 10 and 11.
- Unit 1: Portfolio of coursework (60%)
- Unit 2: Controlled Assessment (40%)
The GCSE Art course offers a broad and balanced curriculum in which pupils create coursework using a variety of media and processes. Pupils are then able to specialise in their strongest and preferred media for their final controlled assessment.
The GCSE Photography course follows the AQA specification in which pupils complete two units of work over Years 10 and 11.
- Unit 1: Portfolio of coursework (60%)
- Unit 2: Controlled Assessment (40%)
Pupils will be able to use DSLR cameras and learn skills in Photoshop. Pupils will create online portfolios and will produce a series of personal projects, inspired by a range of photographers and artists.
The Art department prides itself on being a safe space for pupils to celebrate their individuality and express their creativity as we see the unique potential in every pupil. The art rooms are always open at lunch and after school for pupils to work independently on their work. Through the ‘Talking and Drawing’ and ‘Art Wellbeing’ sessions that are held in the Art Department, pupils are in a safe space to talk about their personal wellbeing. The curriculum is designed to expose pupils to a large range of artists and designers from all walks of life, giving pupils the opportunity to consider the rights and responsibilities of individuals and communities around the world. We recognise that all pupils are individuals, and all pupils are equal regardless of race, religion and gender and our curriculum and extra curricula provision provides a space to celebrate diversity.
The Art curriculum develops pupils’ Growth Mindset by encouraging them to see works of art from a broad timeline of different genres. Art challenges their preconceived ideas of race, equality, religion, gender and how the world works. Pupils have regular opportunities to discover new works of art and develop practical skills in drawing, constructing and painting.
A high level of resilience is required as pupils must be open to making mistakes and must recover quickly, building on their knowledge when using a variety of media.
Pupils develop their independence through independent projects and personal artistic journeys.
Our spiral curriculum in Art gives pupils the chance to show their tenacity through longer project-based work, where pupils will see a creative journey unfold that makes connection to all knowledge and information.
The Art curriculum is Transformational not only in preparing pupils for future artistic study or careers but also developing soft skills that are transferable for all types of further education and careers. Visiting artists provide opportunities for an insight into careers, and visiting local colleges inspires pupils to continue with their art education.
We provide pupils with an opportunity to see artwork from around the world by artists from every culture from Your World. Exposing pupils to other cultures and religions will equip pupils with the knowledge and understanding of equality.
KS3 Art club with Mrs Morris
GCSE Art club with Mrs Corness and Miss Byrom
Visiting artist workshops with as Ian Murphy, Venessa Scott and Joel Penkman.