St Bede's Catholic High School

SEND (Special Educational Needs)

At St Bede’s, our students with special educational needs and disabilities are identified through a systematic transition and screening process. We follow their social, emotional and academic progress closely. We do this through data reviews, case conferences and weekly meetings. Our SENCo and teaching assistants track qualitative and quantitative information and record this on the students’ learning plans. This enables us to support our students with SEND through Key Stages 3 and 4.

We are driven to uphold our values of love, faith and hope amongst our students with SEND. This is a lived reality in our desire to make St Bede’s an inclusive environment that does not limit or stifle the talents and strengths of our students with SEND. Our teaching and support staff are given regular training throughout the academic year to ensure they are aware of strategies and approaches that can be utilised to best support students with SEND.

For our SEND students, networks of support systems are in place across the whole curriculum. Wherever possible, students work in mainstream classes with support, but facilities are provided for short term individual withdrawal when appropriate.

Any questions regarding the Send Local Offer for St.Bede’s Catholic High School, please contact –

SENCO  by phone 01695 570335 or by email

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