St Bede's Catholic High School


Weekly Mass for alternating year groups is celebrated in Saint Anne’s church on Wednesday or Thursday mornings. Whole School Masses are celebrated at various points in the year marking key Liturgical dates. Pupils are escorted to Mass on Holy days of Obligation. Students have the opportunity and are encouraged to participate in the preparation and leading of liturgies in a variety of ways; individually, as classes and as part of faith formation groups.  Music is an essential part of our school’s prayer and worship provision, and our choirs support the community in prayer and praise.

Non -Sacramental Liturgies

Pupils’ faith formation and relationship with Christ is further developed through the celebration off non-sacramental liturgies including reconciliation services, examination of conscience services, distribution of ashes and The Stations of the Cross, meditated upon during Lent, and the Carol Services.

Liturgical assembly.

The liturgical calendar and lectionary informs the planning of these liturgical assemblies. They may be based on feast days, Holy days of Obligations, Catholic devotions, such as a reflection on the Stations of the Cross. These assemblies will be built around a variety of scripture, traditional, reflective prayer and reference to Catholic Social Teaching. Students will have the opportunity, and will be encouraged to participate in the preparation and leading of assemblies. The school Chaplain , Head of RE and year leaders work together to realise this.

Pastoral assemblies

Pupils also enjoy one pastoral assembly each week. These assemblies are planned thematically  and will have a different focus each week, they are varied and wide ranging and  linked to personal development. Whilst different in content to the liturgical assemblies, scripture and prayer are also an essential part of these pastoral assemblies and are an integral part of the planning and delivery of them, reflecting our Catholic identity.

Form time

Our school Mission statement promotes the truth that fullness of life is to be found when Christ is at the centre of our lives. Our pupils flourish academically, spiritually and emotionally through the realisation of this in daily life. It is for this reason, that every single day begins with prayer. There is a fixed weekly form timetable for each year group to ensure that a variety of prayer and reflection is enjoyed, either in form classes or year groups.

Form Time Prayer Resources

Daily prayer and collective worship resources which are linked to key dates in the liturgical calendar and secular key national events are prepared and distributed weekly to all staff for delivery in form time. Pupils are given the opportunity to write their own form prayers for inclusion in the weekly resource. Form prayer resources reflect the richness of the Catholic tradition in that they include a mixture of inherited traditional prayer, reflective prayer, use of scripture, opportunities for contemplative stillness.
Lectio Divina Sunday Gospel Reflection. During form, pupils examine and reflect upon the coming Sunday’s Gospel each Thursday or Friday, depending on their form class timetable.

Wellbeing and scripture every two weeks resources are prepared and shared with all forms to develop a faith based approach to pupil wellbeing and mental health. The resource allows pupils to reflect on aspects of wellbeing and development of healthy coping strategies through reference to secular strategies and scripture and in support of the Personal Development and Ethos curriculum.
Catholic Social Teaching in the Media every two weeks resources are prepared by pupils and is designed to explore how Catholic Social Teaching and scripture can help us respond to current affairs in a Gospel rooted, socially active manner and in support of the Personal Development and Ethos curriculum.

Find our Prayer and Liturgy Policy Here

Daily Prayer and Liturgy Resources

Please find below our daily prayer and liturgy resources which are shared during form time. These resources are updated weekly.

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