Please join St Bede’s Peace and Justice pupils as they pray for persecuted Christians and people of all peacefully held beliefs.
RedWednesday Event - 23rd November 2022 – Stand up for Faith and Freedom.
As young Christians, St Bede’s Catholic High School, stand in solidarity with persecuted Christians and all who suffer for their peacefully held beliefs. In partnership with Aid to the Church in Need and Christian Solidarity Worldwide , we are organising events in school on the 23rd November in order to raise awareness and shine a light on Christian persecution and also the injustices perpetrated against other faith groups.
The day’s events will culminate in a Prayer Service at Our Lady’s Roman Catholic Church , Parbold at 7 pm. We wish to invite you to pray with us at this service, for peace, for the protection of persecuted Christians and the conversion of the hearts of those who persecute. In the words of Father Werenfried, the founder of Aid To The Church in Need, we wish to “Storm heaven with our prayers.” As a symbol of our solidarity for #RedWednesday, Our Lady’s Church, St Anne’s Church and St Bede’s school will be illuminated in red light and you may wish to wear an item of clothing which is red.
This is an ecumenical event and we look forward to coming together as one family. Our prayers and action can give persecuted Christians and others who suffer, a voice. Please join us Our Lady’s Church, Parbold on the 23rd November, at 7pm ,
- Wear something red and be in with a chance of winning a prize : Scarf, tie, T shirt, jumper (Under blazer!) or accessories.
- Help us to fundraise for Aid To The Church In Need – £1 Red Raffle, sweets for sale at breaktime
- Pray for Christians suffering around the world at an illuminated, Our Lady’s Church, Parbold, 23rd November 7pm
Many thanks
St Bede’s Catholic High School Peace and Justice group and St Bede’s Faith In Action group.